

Social Motivation Service (SMS) was established in the year 2005 to help assist the poor man, women, adolescent, boys, girls, and children to stand upon their own feet. The organization since its inception has been organizing the poor people particularly the women, adolescent boys and girls and the child labor of the different location of the Thakurgaon, and Dinajpur District to bolster self-esteem and confidence among them living in a society free form abuse and neglect. Since they are being organized are imported with training to develop their skills and new virtues.
Education, Training, Skill make them better candidate for employment. They are no longer at the bottom of job market, but can secure better and higher paying jobs-mostly in nondomestic, nonfarm.
The organization works on gender equality that the participant of our women is increased and they are taking part in the decision-making role in their own families. Further they are given legal awareness that they have free availability of justice and fair play. A part form these SMS is taking efforts for mass campaign again much addiction of drugs and tobaccos.




On February 18, 2005, the school project SMS Bangladesh was founded by two individuals and partners who had been working together for several years: Filip Engsig-Karup, who had been a teacher and missionary in Bangladesh from 1982 to 1995, where he was the leader of Danmission's school program, and Nogendro Nath Bormon, Birganj, the former director of the school program.


In Bangladesh, a board is established for the project and SMS Bangladesh is formed as its own organization. At the same time, a support group is formed in Denmark, tasked with providing support in terms of knowledge and financial contributions.

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2005: The first school is established in Birganj.
2006: A new school opens in Pirganj.
2007: The third school opens in Patnitala.
The schools are based on Bangladeshi cultural heritage and fundamental values such as equality and respect for fellow human beings.
The schools aim to influence the local community and therefore admit students from all social classes. This allows for involving parents in the school board and promoting understanding of democracy and equality.
The schools admit students from all religious backgrounds: Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity, thereby promoting friendship and dialogue among students and parents.
In Bangladesh, English is the most important language at the university level. Therefore, instruction is conducted in English as much as possible - except for mother tongue instruction - in order to familiarize rural children with the language and give them the opportunity to pursue higher education.
Volunteers from Denmark help teachers improve their English, play with the students, and embody the fundamental values of the place.



The mission of the organization is to uplift the social, economic, environmental and cultural status of the underprivileged people, student through awareness and education activities and implement various sustainable development program for their empowerment and poverty reduction.


SMS works on human resource development, poverty reduction, basic human right establishes, gender equality, empowerment of women and children, adolescent boys and girls to involved them in the mainstream of society are shaping their lives in harmony and co-operation.



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Filip Engsig Karup

Deputy chairman and international coordinator

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Nagendra Nath Barman

Ex Executive director


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Dipankar Barman


Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.